WARNING! The game contains mature content, such as narcotics.

TRIGGER WARNING! The game contains flashing images that might trigger epileptic seizures.


  • WASD - movement
  • Mouse - aiming and shooting
  • E - snort cocaine (be faster, heal a bit)
  • R - take the  f u n   d u s t  (be a hella faster, but leaves you with almost no health)
  • T - craft   f u n   d u s t  from 3 bags of cocaine

You are a drug-hungry crackhead fighting against the mafia to obtain the ultimate drug - the  f u n n i e s t  d u s t.


crackhead-adventures-1.2.0-x86_64-pc-linux-gnu.zip 19 MB
crackhead-adventures-1.2.0-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu.zip 28 MB


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I played this game, then I went out and bought Fun Dust. It ruined my life. I blame the suggestive themes.